Jeremy Wade Morris - Selling Digital Music, Formatting Culture download ebook FB2, EPUB, DOC


"Selling Digital Music, Formatting Culture" documents the transition of recorded music on CDs to music as digital files on computers. More than two decades after the first digital music files began circulating in online archives and playing through new software media players, we have yet to fully internalize the cultural and aesthetic consequences of these shifts. Tracing the emergence of what Jeremy Wade Morris calls the digital music commodity, "Selling Digital Music, Formatting Culture" considers how a conflicted assemblage of technologies, users, and industries helped reformat popular music s meanings and uses. Through case studies of five key technologies Winamp, metadata, Napster, iTunes, and cloud computing this book explores how music listeners gradually came to understand computers and digital files as suitable replacements for their stereos and CD. Morris connects industrial production, popular culture, technology, and commerce in a narrative involving the aesthetics of music and computers, and the labor of producers and everyday users, as well as the value that listeners make and take from digital objects and cultural goods. Above all, "Selling Digital Music, Formatting Culture" is a sounding out of music s encounters with the interfaces, metadata, and algorithms of digital culture and of why the shifting form of the music commodity matters for the music and other media we love.", Selling Digital Music documents the transition of recorded music on CDs to music as digital files on computers. More than two decades after the first digital music files began circulating in online archives and playing through new software media players, we have yet to fully internalize the cultural and aesthetic consequences of these shifts. Exploring the emergence of what Morris calls the digital music commodity, Selling Digital Music considers how a conflicted assemblage of technologies, users, and industries helped reformat popular music's meanings and uses. Through case studies of five key technologies--Winamp, metadata, Napster, iTunes, and cloud computing--Morris questions how music listeners gradually came to understand computers and digital files as suitable replacements for their stereos and CDs. The digitization of the music commodity connects industrial production, popular culture, technology, and commerce in a narrative involving the aesthetics of music and computers, the labor of producers and everyday users, as well as the value that listeners make and take from digital objects and cultural goods. Above all, Selling Digital Music is a sounding out of music's encounters with the interfaces, metadata, and algorithms of digital culture and why the shifting form of the musical commodity matters for the music and other media we love.

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From start to finish,Pianowill charm and enlighten music and book lovers alike.With his Aspen award lecture (1964), Benjamin Britten expressed a unique commitment to community and place.In 1850 Isaac Merritt Singer, whose name was to become almost synonymous with sewing machines, made his first machine.In Anyone Who Had a Heart, Bacharach steps out from behind the music to give an honest, engaging look at his life--from his work with Hal David, Dionne Warwick, Elvis Costello, and many others to his tumultuous marriages and the devastating fate of his beloved daughter.When the City of Light falls under Nazi occupation, Harlan and Lizard are thrown into Buchenwald, the notorious concentration camp in Weimar, Germany.Virtual Digital Signal Processing in an ObjectOriented System, David Mellinger, Guy Garnett, and Bernard Mont-Reynaud.'If the ball's there, hit it.One appendix lists anthologies and collections of four-hand music, with their contents; a second is an index to the piano duets with voice(s) or other instrument(s) described in the main listing.As bedecked partygoers thronged to the Drake Hotel s opulent banquet rooms, corrupt politicians held court in thriving speakeasies and the frenzy of stock market gambling was rampant.Jonathan Coopersmith recounts the multigenerational, multinational history of that device from its origins to its workplace glory days, in the process revealing how it helped create the accelerated communications, information flow, and vibrant visual culture that characterize our contemporary world.Contributors to this collection address a variety of musical ironies found in the 'notes themselves, ' in the text or subtext, and through performance, reception and criticism.How can this apparently unworldly art tell us anything about modern life?This study therefore compares the Hikayah, a mysterious text surviving in a single manuscript, to other comical banquet texts and party-crashing characters, both from contemporary Arabic literature and from Ancient Greece and Rome., The Hikayat Abu l-Qasim, probably written in the 11th century by the otherwise unknown al-Azdi, tells the story of a gate-crasher from Baghdad named Abu l-Qasim, who shows up uninvited at a party in Isfahan.